tony adamo
‘Musically, ten:ten and it’s side projects came about after some kind souls suggested more people should hear the results of my years’ long hobby - dabbling with electronic music. Much was unfinished, personal and by its nature, experimental. Now finished tracks are emerging from the studio on a regular basis, supporting short films and as complete albums. I hope it is as accessible as these kind souls still suggest!
Influences and inspiration come from many musical genres and include Tommy Steele, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, e.s.t., David Sylvian, Todd Rundgren, Arvo Part, Gyorgi Ligeti, Jimi Hendrix, David Toop, Bob Moog, Sparklehorse, Banco de Gaia, Bill Frisell, Mu-Ziq, Daniel Lanois, Boards of Canada, Robert Fripp, Cipher, FSOL, but especially Bill Nelson, without whom none of this would be even considered..
There are also numerous pieces devised specifically for film, as incidental music and backing tracks for live sound / video performance. Some of these can be found on my Soundcloud and Vimeo pages.
Eleven recording collections, from ep’s to full albums have been created thus far, with a twelfth in production..’
Technically, music is composed and recorded to a Mac (or two) using variously, Logic Pro, Live, Soundtrack Pro and Garageband or recorded live to 2-track. Instrumentation includes ARP Solus, Nord Rack 2, Dave Smith Evolver, the null.modular (eurorack) synth, Soma Lyra-8, Dreadbox / Polyend Medusa and Elektron Analog 4 and Keys. Also, a variety of software synths, several guitars and a ridiculous number of guitar pedals, especially the Moogerfoogers. Found sounds are found, recorded to a Zoom H6 and manipulated using DSP-Quattro.
Music production projects currently include 'ten:ten', a live electronic music persona, 'b.nine', an experimental distraction and 'lichen', an exciting ongoing collaboration with Peter Coyle.
Professionally, I undertake a variety of photographic and film commissions. These include producing promotional materials and documenting events. I also work for companies and individuals requiring web content, particularly live music events and for Martial Arts associations, both here in the UK and in Japan.
I have been taking photographs with some determination from a very early age, when my Aunt supported a burgeoning interest by buying me a Kodak ‘Box Brownie’ camera. I won my first photographic competition (using the Brownie) in Primary School and have never looked back!
Since then I have used a variety of imaging devices to support my artwork, document bits of life and as decoration, communication and artifact. I am rarely without a camera.. Much of my current photographic work is tied to a variety of media projects and the production of eBooks.
Produced, shot and edited a series of films, from documentary to music video, supporting live music events and promotional shorts.
I have worked on educational film projects over the last ten years, as a Media teacher and via the Panasonic / KWN international film making scheme.
In addition to personal film projects I now undertake a variety of film commissions. These include work in schools, producing promotional materials and documenting events.

All artwork and photographs by tony adamo unless otherwise stated. Reproduced with permission.
All moving images by tony adamo and members of the.nullgroup. All music by tony adamo.
All rights reserved. The copyright remains with the author.
Enquiries, commissions and collaboration welcome.
® © tony adamo,, ten:ten, ten|don, b.nine, lichen, ambasciatore, ioten productions,, null.modular, ten images (2006 - 2025) ® © the.nullgroup (2006 - 2025)