
A series of eBooks, either planned or currently in production. These are the first two..

The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music
The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music is an ongoing extraordinary Festival which is now available as a new eBook.
Co-authored by Tony Adamo (Photographs) and Chris Wave (Commentary).

'The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music' eBook
The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music is an ongoing extraordinary Festival which is now available as a new eBook. Part photo essay, part commentary, it is a visual feast celebrating the Seventh Wave community. Available now @AppleBooks.

‘Sounds of the Seventh Wave’ eBook
The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music eBook has a Supplement, ‘Sounds of the Seventh Wave’ which contains video and audio of performances at the Festival - and it’s free!

email : n.art@me.com
twitter : @thetonyadamo
instagram : nullten
soundcloud : tony adamo / tenten
bandcamp : tony adamo / ten:ten / b.nine
spotify : lichen
vimeo : tony adamo
etsy : nullarts
redbubble : tonyadamo
All artwork and photographs by tony adamo unless otherwise stated. Reproduced with permission.
All moving images by tony adamo and members of the.nullgroup. All music by tony adamo.
All rights reserved. The copyright remains with the author.
Enquiries, commissions and collaboration welcome.
® © tony adamo, n.art, ten:ten, ten|don, b.nine, lichen, ambasciatore, ioten productions, null.media, null.modular, ten images (2006 - 2024) ® © the.nullgroup (2006 - 2024)